Kickstarter for 3rd and Starlight

Mysterion author Robert B Finegold ("Of Thine Impenetrable Spirit") is running a Kickstarter to publish the latest in the Starlight anthology series: 3rd and Starlight.

The Starlight anthologies present fiction by authors who were winners, finalists, or semi-finalists in the L. Ron Hubbard Writers of the Future Contest; although the anthology series is independently edited and published by some of the authors themselves, and not affiliated with Writers of the Future.

Dr. Finegold was the editor for 3rd and Starlight; previous volumes, also available as Kickstarter rewards for this campaign, were edited by Dustin Adams and Sky McKinnon.

[Edited to include this breaking news: the Mysterion ebook has now been added to the list of rewards that backers can choose from! For as little as $15, you can get the 3rd and Starlight anthology plus your choice of any two other ebooks on the list; many of the higher reward levels also let you choose among the available ebook options.]

Check out the Kickstarter, if you're interested in independent publishing, and in discovering new short fiction writers to follow! We're not associated with the project in any way (except for contributing some ebook rewards), but we do like to support small press short fiction publishing, and thought some of our readers might be interested as well.

Want another way to support small press publishing? You can support Mysterion on Patreon--now with more San Antonio restaurant reviews!


  1. Thank you for the shout out, Kristin and Donald. :) Proud of this volume. Great stories and cover art as well as 15 interior illustrations. Of possible particular interest to my fellow Mysterionics, 3rd and Starlight contains Hugo nominee Kary English's and my Jewish mystical tale, "Shattered Vessels": a "deftly woven kabbalist tale pits destiny against love through multiple reincarnations of the characters, spanning thousands of years. The narration brings these large themes down to a personal level so that readers will identify with the protagonist's plight despite the large time-span." -- Melissa Ristuccia, Tangent Online. ALL the stories in this collection "brings large themes down to a personal level." They have "heart," which is why I am pleased to showcase these fine tales and their authors. My thanks again. -- Dr. Bob


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